Thursday, November 7, 2013

Hello again...hello...

I know, I've been neglecting you my dear blog.  Soon, I will have more time to write.  This blog will become a place for coordinated blog posts, mini-hauls, the written word, and anything else that doesn't warrant a YouTube video.

I've been into some new stuff lately, Filofax being one of them.  Yes, I have discovered the joy, sadness, and overall obsession that is FILOFAX and all that surrounds it.

In other news, being a momma is hard work.  My little guy is now nearly 15 months old...not sure where the time has gone.  So many thoughts I could share on that...another day :)

Soon my schedule will free up a bit and I will be back, hopefully on a posting schedule for both YouTube and this blog.

Let me know what you would like to see...I'd love to share something that interests you!  In the meantime, check out my latest videos, see what I'm up to in my crafty Biz or Origami Owl...
Happy Fall!  Talk to you soon :)

Low-Maintenance Mommy on YouTube
TeeChic Designs on Facebook
Origami Owl on Facebook